伯克利大厅, 我们不仅致力于为我们的学生,也致力于为我们的老师创造一种进步的文化, 太. We believe we can consistently grow and develop as educators and we put this idea into action through our Depth of Study program. 十多年来,这种方法一直是我们教学理念中不可或缺的一部分.
“每周的工作挑战我成为一个反思的实践者,并确保我的课程不断完善. It is a constant reminder that I’m a lifelong learner and should always be on the lookout for new and best teaching strategies.”
“我们非常感激有机会受到热情的指导和指导, 知识, 和敏感. DOS有助于我们自身的成长,并激励我们与学生一起工作. It is thrilling to be part of an educational community where every stakeholder is provided multiple opportunities to learn and grow.”
一个多世纪以来,伯克利大厅一直在提倡成长型思维. 这是什么意思?? It means that every opportunity is taken at Berkeley Hall to teach students that their ability to learn is not a static nor a fixed thing. 随着时间的推移,学习可以改变和提高. 因此, failure is temporary and is something that can be learned from – and is not a permanent condition that defines a student, but rather an opportunity for that student to expend more effort and to advocate for him or herself to learn something new.
我们有严格的学术课程, 所以学生们在伯克利大厅受到挑战, but they are also made to feel comfortable enough to take intellectual risks and are taught to persist in the face of challenge [not to give up and say, “oh, 我想我不太擅长数学.(我们总是插入“yet”这个词.——一个孩子说:“我不擅长分数。.我们说,“还没有。!”]. Developing a growth mindset –along with a helping of good old-fashioned grit –is a cornerstone of a Berkeley Hall education.
当我第一次来参观校园,见到学生,看到教室, I was impressed with the presence of this growth mindset – students seemed simultaneously intellectually active and yet comfortable making mistakes and going through the learning process. 在我做教育工作者的这些年里, I’d never seen this occur in such an all-encompassing way within one school; I’d seen active thinking and learning, 但是有一定程度的压力,可能会失败, 我的学校压力很小, 但是学生们并没有主动学习. 在我来到伯克利大厅之前,我很少在整个学校看到没有压力的主动学习.
现在, one of these sisters had been a much-beloved teacher at what was then Westlake School for Girls and a large group of the parents there asked her to start her own school. 所以,她和她的妹妹决定开办伯克利大厅. They happened to be Christian Scientists (Christian Science is a Christian protestant religion started in the 1800’s in the US and is not at all like Scientology). 因为这两位创始人都是基督教科学家, it meant that their educational approach was grounded in their belief that every child has unlimited God-given potential to learn anything that child needs to learn, 所以他们创立了伯克利音乐厅,口号是“没有限制”. 没有标签. 充满爱.“两位创始人希望与同样信奉成长型思维的人合作. So, 直到今天, 伯克利学院的教职员工和管理人员都是基督教科学家, 他们一致认为每个孩子都有无限的学习潜力. 有趣的是,伯克利学院是一所非宗派学校. So, 我们不教我们的学生宗教,我们的扩展社区代表了广泛的宗教. 然而, we also are a community that honors each individual student's spiritual nature and we see each student as inherently good and unique.
伯克利大厅致力于从学前班到八年级的模式,让学生为高中做好准备. 年轻的学生受益于校园里的高年级学生作为“伙伴”和我们的第六, 七年级和八年级的学生被鼓励在学校担任领导角色. These middle school years are a key time for students to deeply understand who they are and to learn to make mindful, good choices rather than looking to other kids – including the 15-18 year olds that they will find on a high school campus – to do it for them. When they leave us they are fully baked and they have a strong enough sense of who they are to select their high school friends rather than falling in with whatever crowd approaches them first.
Our Junior High students are role models for the younger students here and work with their younger “buddies” on a regular basis as mentors. 和, 因为七年级和八年级的学生是全校年龄最大的, 在这宝贵的几年里,他们可以免受高中校园里常见的社会压力的影响. 除了, we get to know our students very well and we do a lot of hand-holding and individual prep work to get each of our 8th graders placed in the very best high school for that student.
好吧, 一个关键的区别是,我们有一个比大多数私立学校更有凝聚力的教育计划. We are in our fifth year of an initiative that we call “Depth of Study” in which our teachers meet regularly in teams to come to a clear and common understanding of exactly what a student being at “年级水平” looks like from 8th grade all the way down to 托儿所.
这项工作产生了一个清晰的结果, commonly shared professional understanding of what each of our students should understand and be able to do both academically and as conscientious citizens in order to be at, 或以上, 年级水平. 我们教室的门是, 打个比方, 在伯克利大厅开放, which means that every teacher of a particular subject matter or within a department sees student work from other classes and 年级水平s and is collaborating with other teachers to continuously improve classroom lessons to increase student learning – across our entire system. (不再需要“传递接力棒”.”)
This professional collaboration among the teachers and administrators means that there is a clear articulation throughout the whole school – from 8th grade all the way down to 托儿所 – of where each child needs to be academically and as a citizen at each point in his or her school experience in order to be fully prepared when he or she leaves us.
这种专业的清晰度也意味着你的孩子在这里的教育经历是相对无缝的, since teachers across disciplines work together to create projects and to approach core concepts in a more unified way. So, 如果一个孩子正在他或她的教室里学习西部扩张,然后去上美术课, 这并不是完全不同的经历. 词汇和核心概念交织在一起,艺术项目与社会研究课程相结合.
到目前为止,BHS是洛杉矶最多元化的私立学校之一,占54%. 我们是多元化的民族, 宗教, 在文化上, 低, 甚至是国际学生(大约5%的学生是国际学生). 然而,伯克利大厅的家庭有着相同的基本价值观. The parents who have brought their children here did so because there is a shared vision throughout our whole school community of the importance of the core values taught at BHS – respect, 责任, 诚实, 同情. 学校对这些核心价值观进行了具体的教学和整合. 1至8年级, 我们每周聚会讨论如何在日常生活中表达这些核心价值观.
每个年级的教育在培养全面发展的BHS毕业生方面达到高潮. 当我们的毕业生上高中时,他们在学业上已经做好了充分的准备, 但他们也有良好的道德和社会基础. We consistently hear from our receiving independent high schools that our graduates are academically well prepared, 是学校社区的重要贡献者吗, 而且真的很善良, 善于辞令的人.
位于洛杉矶, CA, 24k皇冠足球游戏是一所私立学校, 为学前班到八年级的学生提供男女同校的学校. Rigorous academics in a supportive atmosphere and grounded character development allow students to become fearless scholars and conscientious citizens - gain a love of learning, 具有社会责任的领导, 具有诚信的创造力, 自尊与对他人和环境的同情.